Opinion – Page 417

  • Tarek Merlin

    Pick and mix


    There are just too many delicious goodies at this year’s London Festival of Architecture to take in without drawing up some kind of menu.

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    Obstructed by justice


    Don’t expect the law to protect you from unscrupulous clients, says small contractor Alan Danieli. The system just isn’t designed that way …

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    ڶ buys a pint … for the London leaders


    Judging from the drinks tally you might be wondering what’s happened to the “Buys a pint” bit this week.

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    The power of speeches


    Odd business, public speaking. This week it raised Boris Johnson to the zenith of glory and cast a Mail man into the abyss of ignimony, while Caroline Flint used her special powers to evade the press

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    Tests and Trials


    Jackie Sadek might find our pronouncements on the grocery retail sector a little less Kafkaesque if she read them properly (6 June, page 56).

  • The flood that engulfed Tewkesbury in Gloucestershire last summer. With such events becoming more common, should a kitemark system be introduced for development on flood plains?

    Flash of inspiration


    The recent flooding in the West Country brought the UK’s unpredictable weather onto the front pages again

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    Griping back


    In response to your article (Generation Gripe, 13 June, page 67), how disappointing that staying late at work is still viewed by some as the only sign of commitment.

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    North of the border


    Caroline Flint says England is a world leader in green building (13 June, page 62).

  • In the detail

    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

  • Denise Chevin

    The flood plan


    Amazingly, we’ve got yet another challenge to contend with when we build, but this time it’s long overdue.

  • LFA website

    Webmaster review: London Festival of Architecture website


    How easy does the London Festival of Architecture's website – www.lfa2008.org – make it for people to get involved in and find out about the activities?

  • Comment

    Dilapidations: Repairing the damage


    Some landlords have sneakily been asking tenants who have quit to pay for repairs they never intended to carry out. It’s in the hands of surveyors to stamp out the practice

  • www.thehospitalclub.com

    My digital life Andrew Best


    The Buro Happold partner’s digital life is 007-heaven, with international poker, gadgets, MI5 and private members’ clubs. He doesn’t care to discuss it online, though … Very hush-hush, you see

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    When housing market crash meets dot.bomb


    For anyone keen to explore the deeper reaches of the effects caused by a slowdown in the housing market here is one for the files.Moneysupermarket.com appears to be seeking to quell investor fears about the impact of "extremely challenging" conditions in its mortgages and loans business.

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    We still need 3 million homes by 2020, says official adviser


    The National Housing and Planning Advice Unit (NHPAU) set up to provide advice on making homes affordable today released its latest advice on how many homes England needs by 2020.The range of extra homes the unit says are needed by 2020 is between 2,957,000 and 3,475,900. That means an addition ...

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    Why so gloomy?


    There is a lot of economic gloom about at the moment.Here, Merryn Somerset Webb, editor of Money Week, puts forward a very good case in defence of being gloomy.Anyone care to put a counter argument?

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    Myths that provide comfort No 1: House prices and unemployment


    It is popularly thought and much asserted that the trigger for the house price crash of the early 1990s was rising unemployment.Indeed, the Government, although with decreasing vigour of late, likes to point to the strong UK employment figures and suggest that these will help sustain residential property prices.The ...

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    US house prices down 18% from the peak


    What happens in the US housing market is becoming increasingly of interest this side of the Atlantic, as confused pundits scratch around for any clues as to what might be in store for the UK.No longer is there a broad sense of confidence that we are immune to what was ...

  • Comment

    "There is no housing market"


    It is always a worthwhile experience chatting to Hometrack's Richard Donnell, there are always ideas and sparks of ideas.Having tracked him down this morning we talked, unsurprisingly, about the weirdness of the housing market. He made one particular comment that caught my ear."There is no housing market," he threw in ...

  • Zaha hadid designed Dubai opera house

    First impressions: Projects by Foster + Partners and Hadid


    Another First Impression panellist, this time James Procter from the School of Architecture at Westminster University, comments on new projects on the ڶ website