Opinion – Page 412

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    ڶ buys a pint for KBC Peel Hunt


    Chosen watering hole: The Gallery pub in the CityAmbience: The handful of stockbrokers not on a foreign beach ...

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    My digital life: Mark Dudek


    Mark Dudek lives his digital life as a skilled assassin in medieval Jerusalem. Or a star international footballer. Of course, he really only got the PS3 for the kids …

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    Funny business


    I read with interest your article about the formation of the new Construction Council to be chaired by John McDonough (11 July, page 13).

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    Card tricks


    When I applied for my CSCS technical managers card, I arrived at the test centre 15 minutes before my appointment time along with everybody else.

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    A steely correction


    I should like to clear up any confusion that the “Spotlight on steel” article (11 July, page 64) may have caused

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    Frankly speaking …


    Frank Gehry’s Serpentine pavilion has nothing to commend it.

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    Manufacturing consent


    Democracy is in trouble because politicians tell us what we want, then labour mightily to make sure we get it. Much the same is true of architecture, says Robert Adam

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    Hansom: things can only get bitter


    Disappointment all round this week as Christmas parties are called off, summer parties downgraded, guests turn up to wait in endless queues and some escape to Mongolia in whatever they can afford

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    Innocence abroad


    Schools are out, summer is here and the mind naturally turns to jetting off (or, for the more environmentally squeamish, catching a train) to foreign climes

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    Why money matters


    I read this Money Week article on how British firms are running out of money and thought it may be of interest in the light of estimates I made on the money owed by and to construction firms.It's a bit on the scary side, but no less interesting for that.

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    Is the sharp drop in the Nationwide house price index good or bad news?


    There have always been paradoxes in the housing market. For instance, while people want the price of all other essentials items to fall homeowners want the value of their home - and by implication all homes - to rise, even if it would be to their disadvantage in cash terms ...

  • Comment

    Construction firms owe £30 billion to trade creditors


    I am in the midst of putting together data for the Contract Journal Construction Top 100 and there were a couple of figures I thought worth sharing that have come out of some analysis on trade debt and credit.From the number crunching I am doing I have estimated that construction ...

  • Comment

    A 25% jump in house prices - is that scientific or finger licking bad


    I can tell you the price of a house in 2020. I'll even let you into the secret of how I do it. What I do is lick my finger and stick it into the wind. Works every time, especially on those with no memory and little understanding, and I ...

  • Rebecca Saunders

    Braes of Doune Wind Farm v Alfred McAlpine Business Services


    The CaseThis case concerned two applications in relation to the First Award of an arbitrator, concerning an EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) contract dated 4 November 2005 between Braes of Doune Wind Farm (Scotland) Ltd as Employer and Alfred McAlpine Business Services Ltd as Contractor, whereby McAlpine agreed to carry ...

  • legal illustration

    A question of loyalty


    State your case - An expert witness’ duty is to the court, but Barry Milton has encountered many who wouldn’t dream of contradicting their clients

  • Nick Raynsford

    Let’s get going


    The select committee’s Construction Matters report is a fine piece of work, but that won’t mean much if its recommendations aren’t acted on.

  • Gus Alexander

    Prime cut


    Bad luck and relaxed invoicing meant Gus Alexander’s practice had it tough during the last recession but the lessons he’s learned means its looking pretty healthy this time around …

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    Party Wall Act: Good news for good neighbours


    A recent decision on the Party Wall Act means that those who consent to a party wall notice are still protected by the act if a dispute arises

  • Rafael Viñoly - www.rvapc.com

    Webmaster review: Rafael Viñoly website


    The website of Rafael Viñoly boasts the benefits of pure Flash, but that has drawbacks too

  • Comment

    Official figures show construction output dropping in second quarter


    So there it is, construction output slumped sharply in the second quarter of this year, according to the first take by the national statisticians of economic activity.The statisticians put the 0.7% drop in construction activity down to the sharp drop in house building work. The 0.7% drop in construction output ...