Opinion – Page 383

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    Are the leaders of the contracting industry fit for purpose?


    My attention was drawn to a letter sent yesterday by the Construction Products Association's chairman Adrian Barden to the Secretary of State for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform regarding the current plight of the construction industry.It makes hard, clear, well researched and convincing points. It outlines the problems and makes ...

  • Jan Kaplicky and Amanda Levete

    Jan and me: Amanda Levete on Jan Kaplicky


    Jan Kaplicky, who died in January, was a visionary architect whose creativity drove him to test the bounds of the possible, says his former wife and design partner

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    Construction output falls off a cliff


    The last time the construction industry had to puzzle out what to do with output falling as fast as it did in the final quarter of 2008 was when the Rubik's Cube was the must-have Christmas present.Official figures published today show a drop of 7% in construction output over the ...

  • Hansom

    So, Mr Bond...


    This week, I’ve been unmasking a phoney company chairman, burning documents after reading and planning my escape route to the south of France. Whoever said construction wasn’t thrilling?

  • Denise Chevin

    Going public


    The government’s decision to bring out its cheque book yet again – this time for the PFI – is a massive fillip for the industry

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    I know where you could start


    Open mike: The government is pretty keen to get us to cut carbon emissions. So why are its own buildings so lamentably unsustainable?

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    We can't do this on our own


    There is no simple answer to improving the energy efficiency of the UK’s existing housing stock, but it is important to take simple, practical measures that we know will make a demonstrable difference (“CPA blasts energy firms on insulation failure”, 20 February)

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    Local jobs for whom?


    We have a small building business in Waltham Forest, which is about four miles north-east of the Olympic site. We have been in the area for the past 27 years and we employ about 29 men

  • Have you any wool? Apparently it’s a rather good material for insulation after all...

    Woolly thinking


    I read with interest your article on the 16 January titled “five green duds”

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    In your recent article (6 February, page 3), you referred to the Strategic Forum’s tower crane group and stated that the assessment of how safe they are came under the “badge” of the Considerate Constructors Scheme

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    Words of warning


    I attended an interview yesterday to train as a domestic energy assessor (DEA), which I thought was new career with great potential

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    Home improvement


    “Social housing” should only be provided as a short-term solution for those in real need. The idea that someone can occupy a council house for virtually their whole adult life is ridiculous

  • Sir Michael Latham

    A confederacy of dunces


    The post of a chief construction officer is a splendid idea, but it will only work if the holder has real power – and Whitehall may not be willing to let that happen

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    ڶ buys a pancake... for Pringle Brandon


    It’s Shrove Tuesday, and Pringle Brandon has suggested we meet in town for pancakes. Now London is not overstocked with pancake houses, and the one we choose comes with a long queue of gourmands outside. Luckily PB had the foresight to book a table

  • Ian Curtis, Joy Division

    My digital life: Neil Norman


    This week

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    House price collapse continues says Halifax


    The Halifax index of house prices returned to a downward path in February after surprising many when it showed house prices rising in January.The February figure suggests that on a seasonally adjusted basis 2.3% was wiped off the value of an average home - that equates to £3,800.On a non-seasonally ...

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    Plunging building materials imports shows speed of downturn


    The cash spent on imported building materials plunged in the final quarter of 2008 despite the huge drop in the value Sterling providing a clear indicator of the rapid decline in construction activity.In cash terms the value of imports in the fourth quarter of 2008 dropped 13% compared with the ...

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    CIPS construction activity figures provide a reality check


    The construction survey results from the buyers' body CIPS should provide a reality check on those who believe talking up the industry will help.For those looking at the situation closely the disastrous figures for February should come as little of a shock.The summary of the data provided reads: "Total business ...

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    The sayings of Bernard Cribbins


    We’re back in the seventies… the decade of endless teabreaks, sclerotic roads and paralysed government – as portrayed in the work of a certain popular actor

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    Are you stuck in one-way traffic? Liquidated damages and the Construction Act


    Rupert Choat Developers can’t rely on the Construction Act when they claim liquidated damages, but the contractor can when it reclaims them. How unfair!