Opinion – Page 381

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    Keep off my land


    I would preface my comments by stating that I was brought up on a social housing estate. Our argument is not with social housing tenants but the fact we have been deceived by Bellway (6 March, page 20)

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    Clients: what are they like?


    Which clients deserve a medal? Which should be shunned like yellow dogs?

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    Sorry to be a party pooper, but hold fire on bigging up the mortgage figures


    There has been much joy in the housing sector at the news that the number and amount of home loans approved by banks grew for the third consecutive month in February, according to the British Bankers' Association.While this is clearly not more bad news for housing and homes loans businesses ...

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    Not a good time to be taking risks


    What do the latest inflation figures tell us?Firstly, we are set for a heightening of the row between the quantitative easers and those leaning towards the views of the Austrian school on the matter of pumping money into a busted boom. Put simply what should we fear most: deflation or ...

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    Are construction's vital job statistics wrong?


    Following the release of numbers suggesting construction jobs increased by 47,000 over 2008 I asked for clarification from the statisticians. To my mind and in the view of anyone in the industry I have spoken to these figures were wildly wrong.I have now received my reply from the Office of ...

  • Hansom

    Hansom: Look at me!


    Attention-seeking strategies were the order of the day at Mipim – from Twittering to leaping from moving buses – but if you find yourself in Bogotá, it’s probably best to keep your head down...

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    Tough choices...


    As a partner in the Sector Skills Council for construction, CITB-ConstructionSkills takes the development of professionals seriously (27 March, page 13)

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    ...And easy ones


    I have just been reading the debate about the proposed changes to the Construction Act. The amendments have reached a key stage in the process of becoming law and are about to be adopted unless someone does something about it. And they should!

  • A beginner’s guide to trees. This week, we have the larch

    What a larch


    We were interested to see the images you published on the front cover (27 February) of the design of York St John University

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    The weak in politics


    I read Sir Michael Latham’s article on the chief construction officer (CCO) with great interest (6 March, page 34). Also the BERR consultation document – which is better than Sir Michael allows given the shortage of straw for these particular bricks

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    A question of attitude


    The ڶ/Saint-Gobain survey (“Short-term fears voiced over sustainability in the recession”, reported at building.co.uk on 27 February) provides a valuable insight into the less-than-positive attitudes of construction clients towards sustainability. However, the impetus to act is now greater than ever

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    You're a bit out...


    Davis Langdon’s take on “The World Construction Outlook” (27 February, page 62), is a welcome summary of where some international opportunities lie

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    Industrialised housing's hour has come


    When the upturn comes, there will be growing demand for the products of industrialised housing companies. But how can they survive until then?

  • David Strong

    Energy saving in existing stock: Energy junkies


    Government consultations on improving the performance of our existing stock are welcome. But it will mean nothing if the public can’t kick the carbon habit

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    The blacklist: how, why and what now?


    So construction’s shameful secret is out. But how did the information watchdog track down the firm that was keeping the blacklist? And what action will be taken against it and its 40 clients?

  • Chris Wise, director of Expedition Engineering

    The world in a pencil


    A graphite mark on a piece of paper is one of the most powerful, versatile and informative objects in the world. So why don’t engineers make more use of it?

  • ڶ buys a pint... Davy Smith Architects

    ڶ buys a pint... Davy Smith Architects


    When I arrive at the curiously named George and Vulture off Old Street, the team from Davy Smith Architects are clustered around a baby grand piano

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    My digital life: Linnet Quarry


    This week

  • Denise Chevin, editor

    Too tight to mention


    This year’s pay round is going to be unfair

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    I don't believe the construction jobs figures...do you?


    Many thanks to Jonathan for commenting below on my thoughts on the jobs figures released this morning. He comes from a recruitment background, so sees the situation first hand, and he seems as puzzled as I do over the official data that suggest construction employment is holding firm at a ...