Opinion – Page 358

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    Not the wreckers: Sticking up for value engineering


    Gus Alexander recently made a bitter complaint about value engineers spoiling his design. Well, fair enough, but that’s not what value engineering is for

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    Many happy returns?


    Cabe is 10, but it’s not all party hats and streamers. Emily Wright reports on the high-profile successes and failures of its first decade, and asks four industry figures whether it deserves a second

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    My digital life: Robert taylor


    Where shall we play?

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    Hansom: The high life


    Despite the downturn, construction is enjoying the lifestyle of a Scottish beauty queen, from getting up late for meetings to noshing down salmon mousse and paddling in a lake of brandy

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    Dialogue of the deaf: Robert Adam on architects


    It’s not just that architects don’t listen to clients or the public – they’re divided into camps that don’t listen to each other. Which is a pity, because they can have good ideas

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    ڶ buys a pint … for Metropolitan workshop


    It’s still just about August and ڶ is doing the honours in a pub in Architects’ Gulch (aka Clerkenwell) with Metropolitan Workshop

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    Thank you, Sir Stuart Lipton


    Lipton won the intellectual argument that good design wasn’t a luxury limited to an arts project backed by a patron with more money than sense

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    First day of Little Britain


    The crew of Javelot 3, owned b y Lee Penson, of architect Penson Group, have just arrived in Cowes - the sky is blue, the sun is shining, the wind is a perfect 16 knots and the hangovers are out in full force - so begins Little Britain 2009.After consuming ...

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    Public sector keeps construction orders afloat


    The new orders figures were out today and they hint at a uplift, with the headline figure showing a 2% rise comparing the three months to July with the previous three months.And recently when I speak to people in the industry they seem a bit more optimistic.Sadly any support to ...

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    Halifax sees house prices up 3% from the bottom


    The latest figures from Halifax put the price of an average house (not seasonally adjusted) up by 3% on the low they reached in March this year and broadly on a par with the level at the end of last year.This will no doubt help keep alive the hopes that ...

  • On the boat

    Little Britain diary: Dressed to impress


    Oilskins and black-tie outfits packed, the Weightmans team can't wait for the race – so they can get to the parties in good time

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    An uphill road to recovery


    Despite welcome news that the UK construction sector is contracting at a slower pace, the industry is still struggling. August saw a reduction in the pace of deterioration. While reduced activity was again largely attributed to dampened demand for new orders, there are a number of issues challenging the sector. ...

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    Back to schools: ڶ in a recession


    Question one. How can we keep spending billions on school building while struggling with the biggest crisis in our public finances since the war?

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    Output figures show continued fall in cash flowing into construction


    At first sight the latest construction output figures provide some relief. The fall in output in the second quarter of the year estimated to be just 0.5% and there was a slight rise in the output of new work measured in constant prices.But then it is always worth taking a ...

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    Keeping on keeping on: Sir Michael Latham on training


    ڶ facilities for the wider education sector is one thing, but construction also has to make sure it keeps its own training system up to scratch

  • Cottesbrooke school

    Wonders & blunders with Estelle Morris


    Estelle Morris gives top marks to a much-improved Birmingham primary school, but thinks the designers of the Institute of Education deserve a ticking off

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    Hansom super-size this


    There’s nothing wrong with excess, whether taking a prodigious number of lunches or hundreds of trips abroad or lining your wall with mobile phones – but working at the weekend? That’s just too much

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    Getting the message across


    I have sympathy with much of the sentiment in Tony Bingham’s article on cover pricing (28 August, page 42)

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    The root of the problem


    I am writing in regard to your article “Giant fly swats could suck up motorway fumes” (27 August)

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    Fighting solves nothing


    Much has been said and written recently on the expressed intention of some employers, in both the public and private sectors, to abandon framework agreements in favour of lowest price