Opinion – Page 347

  • Comment

    My digital life: Miles Freeman


    What’s your preferred means of communication?

  • Sir Michael Latham

    Vive la restoration: Sir Michael Latham on the importance of heritage stock


    What better time than now, when the construction of new buildings is at a low ebb, to focus on the restoration and maintenance of heritage structures

  • The Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, California

    Wonders & blunders with James Finestone


    James Finestone marvels at the scientific wonder that is the Salk Institute in California, but sees the Essex new town of Harlow as an experiment that went badly wrong

  • Hansom

    Hansom: Gift of the gab


    The silver tongues of the industry have been a-wagging of late, and would have you believe that the Titanic is unsunk, Paul is John and the RICS never changes its mind

  • Rosie Olley

    Small wonder


    Since your article on my and two other graduates’ search for a job was published, (11 September, page 34) I have spent most of my time looking for my perfect surveying job, which I had begun to believe did not exist

  • Comment

    What the charter means


    In response to your article which stated that the Chartered Institute of ڶ (CIOB) would expel any chartered building company found guilty of cover pricing (27 November, page 9), I’d like to clarify a few points

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    Morrell boost


    I think the appointment of Paul Morrell (27 November, pages 10-11) is an inspired move and I hope he gets his own way with the agenda for the sake of the industry at large

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    In Latham’s footsteps


    Paul Morrell may not be a “fan of partnering” but I trust he will do all he can, as chief construction adviser, to resist the swing back to pre-Latham forms of procurement

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    A game of chase


    Great article on the difficulties experienced by specialists in the current climate (20 November, page 48)

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    Fire safety first


    BBC London’s recent exposé on fire safety risks at social housing blocks doesn’t come as much of a surprise. Across the UK’s social housing sector, awareness and understanding of the requirements of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2006 (RRFSO) is worryingly low

  • Comment

    Actually, it's the actuaries


    ڶ’s editor is misinformed about why pension funds have failed (23 October, page 3). We didn’t suddenly “start living 10 years longer”. Life expectancy has been rising steadily since Bazalgette fixed London’s sewers and wiped out cholera

  • Comment

    On-demand guarantees: At the mercy of the client


    The most powerful weapon at a client’s disposal – the on-demand guarantee – leaves contractors open to claims at the drop of a hat

  • Gus Alexander

    Party politics: Gus Alexander on overpriced party wall surveyors


    Gus Alexander doesn’t like to get involved in spats over party walls. Scumbag neighbours he can deal with, but overpriced surveyors who think they’re auditioning for Boston Legal? Never

  • Denise Chevin

    The task facing Paul Morrell


    When the House of Commons’ business and enterprise committee made the appointment of a chief construction officer one of the main recommendations in its Construction Matters report in July last year, many people thought it was a great idea – and likely to remain just that

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    Pats on the back at the Plaisterers' awards


    Do you know what a livery company is? Do you know what they do? Do you know their relevance to the construction industry in the 2009?In my sector, plastering and drylining, I regularly ask that question. Sadly my queries are often met by blank stares which are particularly disappointing ...

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    Payment excuses are getting more inventive


    The cheque is in the post has a whole new ring to it given the industrial relations at Royal Mail. Where has all the money gone? It is certainly not circulating in the Construction Industry and I don’t think it is just in a sorting office in London.Given that ...

  • Comment

    The task facing Paul Morrell


    When the House of Commons’ business and enterprise committee made the appointment of a chief construction officer one of the main recommendations in its Construction Matters report in July last year, many people thought it was a great idea – and likely to remain just that. Sixteen months and a ...

  • John Redmond

    Return of the arbitrator


    The 100-day form of arbitration has received a resurgence of interest in recent times, and rightly so, as it has several advantages over adjudication

  • Tony Bingham

    A contractor's survival guide


    How many times have you read about contractors losing money, or going bust, as the result of a few ‘problem contracts’? So shouldn’t they do more to plan for them?

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    Are you drowning?


    Are you suspicious that one of your commercial partners is on the brink of insolvency? Here are a few signs that it’s about to happen – and how to protect yourself