Opinion – Page 339

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    You need help


    As a quaintly named “heritage professional” dealing with “heritage assets” and their management, I can understand Simon Tolson’s frustration with the lack of standard procedure in dealing with historic buildings (5 February, page 47)

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    About time


    At last someone who spells out clearly what the taxman is doing to the industry (“Government burglars”, 5 February, page 3)

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    The wranglers


    I was interested to read what Ann Minogue had to say concerning lawyers who represent parties in adjudication (22 January, page 51)

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    Try to understand


    It is sad to see that some Yorkshire authorities are proposing to use a big stick to beat contractors over cover pricing (29 January, page 9)

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    Silk bloomers


    In the article “Mind the gaping hole” (5 February, page 20), you say that “Chris Bolt, the QC who is acting as independent arbiter” threw out Tube Lines’ recent £327m claim against London Underground

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    My digital life: Murray Forsyth


    What’s your most played iTune at the moment?

  • Tim Elliott

    Have wig, will travel


    The increasingly mobile judges of the TCC are happy to do you a trial in the cheapest, most convenient part of the country. But how do you decide where that is?

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    Nuclear new-build: Proceed (with caution)


    The nuclear new-build programme has a lot to offer, as long as you can navigate the regulatory and contractual minefield surrounding it

  • Tony Bingham

    Milking it: Safeway and the OFT


    When Safeway was fined by the OFT, it tried to claim its money back from the employees it thought had caused the problems. Might construction companies follow suit?

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    No thumbscrews required


    How do I … Getting paid on time can be exceptionally difficult these days. Deborah Primett advises on how to improve your chances – without resorting to tough-guy tactics

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    118 000 a number to remember – 240 000 a number best forgotten


    118,000: The number of new homes that were completed in England in 2009, according to the latest official data.240,000: The number of new homes to be created annually in England from 2016, according to the targets set when Yvette Cooper, Minister for Housing and Planning at the time, announced the ...

  • Comment

    Fewer redundancy in construction, but the future remains bleak on jobs


    For the optimists in the construction industry there is much hope to be gleaned from the latest employment figures.Equally for the pessimists there is plenty within the numbers to fret about.So what should we make of the latest batch of labour market numbers that, among other things, show that 163,000 ...

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    Philosophical advice


    University spending is vanishing, but that doesn't meant this is another LSC debacle

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    RICS sees workload slump deeper in late 2009 - providing more fare for the double-dippers


    It’s tempting to see the latest construction market survey by the surveyors’ body RICS as yet more evidence of a likely double dip in construction – however you want to define that.And I’m not going to sit here and argue against that possibility.But there is a case for some cautious ...

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    Help us out


    I found ڶ’s report from the Construction Skills Network a depressing read (“Construction will be ‘in recession till 2011,’” 27 January, building.co.uk)

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    Top security


    I have read with interest the response in these pages to the fires at the Green Acre Homes’ Peckham and Camberwell building sites, and how many people seem to believe that the security issues surrounding these fires can be addressed with a generic solution

  • This belvoir is very elgoir to spot any subbing mistakes, too



    “Beaver Castle”? Where, pray, is that?

  • Comment

    In the mix


    Your coverage of our results on page 16 of last Friday’s issue, 5 February, was led by a most unfortunate sub-headline that stated that Countryside Properties “rues its exposure to mixed-tenure regeneration market”

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    Is this just fantasy?


    Are you for real man?

  • Comment

    My digital life: Jennifer Hamilton


    What’s your favourite website?