Construction by Kier will begin this month on 拢21m Sidney Stringer school

Sheppard Robson has received planning permission for its Sidney Stringer Academy in Coventry.

The 拢21m project, which is being built by Kier, is part of a wider masterplan for the area. It is conceived to work on a constrained site, and strives to optimise the provision of external space in the available area. The project works across a split site, but the design seeks to move away from a traditional linear street approach to create a network of public spaces between the buildings.

The 14,788m虏 scheme will provide places for 1,050 students aged between 11-16 and 300 post-16 students.

Louise Merrett, associate at Sheppard Robson and project leader for Sidney Stringer Academy, said: 鈥淭his area was previously a thriving manufacturing base and the Academy is in close proximity to a number of underprivileged residential communities within the Swanswell Regeneration area.

"We believe the planning approval will be a catalyst for further improvement; our design provides a building to be used by the local community and a public space on an urban site.鈥

Construction will begin this month, with completion expected in summer 2011 for the academy buildings and March 2012 for the academy grounds and sportshall.

Video fly-through of Sidney Stringer Academy

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