Andrew Lansley, announced that the government would “pause” to listen to concerns

Continuing uncertainty over the future of the government’s Health and Social Care Bill could delay projects and make it more difficult to invest in the sector, industry figures have warned.

On Monday the health secretary, Andrew Lansley, announced that the government would “pause” to listen to concerns as the bill is passing through parliament.

The bill would give the majority of the NHS’ money to groups of GPs, and allow private companies to compete to provide services for them.

“Further uncertainty will certainly slow down strategic planning and that will impact on the construction industry,” said Christopher Shaw, a medical specialist at MAAP.

Ian Greggor, a health director at Cyril Sweett, said that those down the supply chain will be “more nervous” after the announcement, which he expected would hold up the bill by one or two months.

Greggor said that this meant “contractors and consultants will be thinking more about whole life costing and function.”