Three bidders shortlisted for contract to develop 1,500 homes on the East Wick and Sweetwater neighbourhoods

Olympic Park homes

Three bidders have been shortlisted to build up to 1,500 homes on the Olympic Park.

The London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC) has announced that Grainger has been shortlisted along with a joint venture between Balfour Beatty and housing association Places for People. The list is completed by a third consortium made up of Mace, Argent and social landlord Peabody.

The firms are competing to develop two new neighbourhoods on the Olympic Park, called East Wick and Sweetwater.

The three final bidders will now enter into a period of detailed competitive dialogue to formalise their proposals, which are expected to be submitted in September.

The Legacy Corporation will then select a preferred bidder later in the autumn.

Three bidders - a joint venture between Carillion, Igloo and Genesis Housing Association; Lend Lease, and social landlord L&Q - but failed to make it onto the shortlist.

London mayor Boris Johnson pledged last year to accelerate the development of the Olympic Park with a view to completing the 6,800 home project in 2023, six years ahead of the original master plan.

The East Wick neighbourhood, which is located in the north-west of the park in front of the former press and broadcasting centre, comprises 870 new homes, consisting of a mix of townhouses, mews, studios and flats.

The new neighbourhood will also include a new primary school, two new nurseries 9,000 sq m of employment space, 5,600sq m of community facilities and 4,700 sq m of retail and leisure.

The Sweetwater neighbourhood will include up to 650 new homes in a mix of studios, flats and family homes with private gardens, located in the south-west of the Park near the Copper Box Arena.

Under the masterplan, it is also due to boast a new primary school, two new nurseries, a health centre, 1,000 sq m of employment space, 8,400sqm community floorspace and 2,500sqm of shops.

The neighbourhoods are two of the five due to be developed on the park, where construction work has already started on the first, Chobham Manor.