Rail bridge over Borough High Street will double capacity of track around London Bridge

A bridge doubling the capacity of the railway lines on the west side of London Bridge Station was successfully moved into position by Skanska over the weekend.

The 1,200 tonne bridge over Borough High Street is part of the Thameslink project and was built over a section of a new viaduct over Borough Market. Work started on moving the bridge along the top of the viaduct towards the road at 2am on Saturday 30th April.

The bridge was mounted on skid shoes allowing it to move at an average of 7mm per second. Once over the road a multi wheeled transporter supported the end of the bridge, it was then jacked down into its final position. Work was completed at 5am this morning.

Although the new section of line will be completed next year it won鈥檛 be operational until 2018 when the redevelopment of London Bridge Station is finished.