Online reports claim fire has broken out on OMA’s showcase development in Beijing

A signature tower designed by Rem Koolhaas is on fire, according to various internet reports.

The TVCC tower, which is under construction next to the taller CCTV tower in Beijing, has smoke and flames clearly visible from the neighbouring streets.

Witnesses have texted messages to the social networking site Twitter claiming the TVCC tower is on fire, and posting mobile phone images.

In one of the images, flames can clearly be seen from a window about two-thirds of the way up the building and crowds and emergency vehicles in the streets beneath.

The TVCC, or Television Cultural Centre, is to host a hotel, visitor’s centre, public theatre and exhibition space.

The building has been designed by Koolhaas’ practice the Office of Metropolitan Architecture, with structural engineering by UK-based firm Arup.

More to follow.

Twitter updates on fire from eye-witnesses in Beijing

I heard from CCTV honcho that people responsible were reluctant to call in fire dept. Director-level and up informed by SMS

Sirens near crossing

Cops halting anyone getting on side road close to building

Driving while shooting. Photos will be crappy. Fireworks a total riot. Cop presence just off Chaowai.

looks 2 b raining debris on all the firetrucks..they should get out of there and let it go

roof of cctv north tower caught fire during what appeared 2 b cctv held awesome fireworks display. it is on roof of n tower