Deadline of 14 July to express opinion

The public is being given the chance to tell the Houses of Parliament Restoration and Renewal Programme what they think should be done.

Public feedback will be centred on four themes - how the programme can make the restored Palace of Westminster more welcoming and accessible for Members, staff and visitors; how important is it to make the building more environmentally friendly and sustainable; how the heritage of the place should be celebrated; and how the restoration programme could make sure the thousands of jobs and training opportunities that will be created across the UK can benefit them directly.

Parliament crumbling

The annual cost of maintaining the Palace of Westminster is put at £125m

A detailed and costed restoration and renewal plan, which will for the first time set out a true sense of costs and timescales, will be considered by Parliament in 2023.

The work to develop the detailed and costed plan will include more than 100 investigative surveys, with specialist teams spending thousands of hours analysing the building, including the 1,100 rooms and more than 3,000 windows.

People have until 14 July to submit their views by visiting the .