Over-65s still the most opposed to new homes being built in their local area


Attitudes towards the building of new homes have warmed in the past eight years, but older people still have a problem with residential schemes going up in their neck of the woods.

A survey of people鈥檚 views on new homes being built in their local area carried out last year by the government found that 55% were in favour and 21% against. This contrasted with 2010鈥檚 28% and 46% figures respectively.

Broken down into age groups the over-65s were the most against new homes being constructed in their neighbourhood 鈥 27% 鈥 while the least opposed, perhaps unsurprisingly, were the 18 to 34 age group.

The overall strength of opposition has waned in recent years, from 15% in 2010 to 5% last year.

Cash incentives to allow new-build homes failed to sway many, with 63% saying it would make no difference to their support.

Half of respondents said local councils should decide where homes should be built, while 41% said local communities ought to be responsible for the decision.

Among those who neither supported or opposed developments, jobs, healthcare facilities, improved transport links and schools ranked among deal clinchers.