Four in ten construction workers are considering moving jobs next year, a new report has warned


The report by Investors in People (IIP) suggests that workers have been staying in jobs they are unhappy with for job security reasons and that four in ten (43%) workers are considering moving jobs next year.

The survey found that if the economy was better last year, 26% of respondents would have looked to move job sooner.

The survey also found that 46% of respondents felt that the job market had improved in the last year, while 81% said that greater job satisfaction would be their reason for switching jobs, far ahead of pay at 50%.

However, only 33% said bad management was their reason for unhappiness at work, while 25% felt that their skills would be valued more elsewhere.

Valerie Todd, chair of IIP and director of talent and resources at Crossrail commented: 鈥淎n upturn in the economy means that dissatisfied workers now have more confidence to look elsewhere, so business owners who aren鈥檛 doing all they can to value their staff can no longer be complacent.

鈥淥ur research suggests that many workers in the sector have been biding their time during the recession and not actively looking for a new job.

鈥淗owever, as the job market improves, companies who don鈥檛 value their staff risk losing them to rivals and having to spend time and money recruiting and training replacements.

鈥淣ow is the time for businesses to take action to retain their talented people.鈥