NBS wins £1m competition to complete BIM level two standards


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NBS has won a £1m government-run competition to complete the BIM level two standards.

NBS, part of RIBA Enterprises, has been awarded £1m by the Technology Strategy Board to develop a digital plan of works and a free-to-use online tool describing who does what and when on a project, to aid firms with the implementation of BIM level two.

As part of the contract NBS will also classify around 3,000 building elements.

The winning NBS team includes BIM Academy, BDP, Laing O’Rourke, Microsoft and Newcastle University.

The government has mandated that all public projects must be delivered using BIM level two by 2016.

Separately, NBS has also launched the first standard specification for BIM objects.

NBS’s BIM object standard is available on the NBS National BIM Library website .