Study reveals widespread ignorance of government's 2016 target

Almost three quarters of all MPs are unaware of the government's target for all new housing to be zero-carbon from 2016 according to research out today.

The study carried out by ComRes research of 150 MPs reveals that 72% are unaware of the target while 34% thought the target didn't come into affect until 2020.

Nick Raynsford, MP and co-chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on sustainable housing, which commissioned the research, said: 鈥淭he government has set ambitious targets for sustainable housing in the UK, but it is clear that many concerned parties are still unaware of the all important details鈥.

MPs were also asked to identify which issues they saw as barriers to the target being achieved. Those which came out top we a lack of consumer demand for zero carbon homes and the higher cost of homes. The study also found that more than a quarter of MPs were unaware that more than a quarter of UK carbon emissions come from housing.

All results can be viewed at