With “no deal” now a real possibility, tell us what’s at stake for construction. Complete the survey by Friday 3 August and win £60 in retail vouchers.


ڶ Better Brexit

With just 8 months left till the UK leaves the EU, ڶ is launching a to gauge the mood of our readers.

Prime minister Theresa May recently unveiled her hard-fought for “compromise” Brexit whitepaper – pleasing neither the Brexiteers nor the Remainers in her party. We have since witnessed in-party and cross-party battles in Parliament over the deal that government should be negotiating, while concerns in the business world are growing that a lack of political consensus will result in a “no deal” scenario. 

So what does this all mean for construction? Our survey aims to provide a snapshot of industry sentiment at this critical time. Are you more or less confident now than immediately after the EU referendum that Brexit will be good for construction? Is the sector in a position to deal with potential skill shortages that a hard Brexit could impose on the UK? Are you confident that the UK’s current Brexit plan will be accepted by the EU? 

Have your say by completing this short online questionnaire and tell us about the Brexit priorities for construction as you see them. It will take just a few minutes to answer, and those who complete the survey will be eligible to enter a prize draw to win £60 in retail vouchers. 

The survey will close on Friday 3 August. Complete the survey .
