Two teenagers were arrested after crane in Indiana was hijacked

Vandals in Indiana are believed to have hotwired a 75-ton crane before crashing it into a ditch causing $500,000 of damage.

The crane was being used by HIS Constructors to build a bridge over a major new route, the US 31 corridor, near Kokomo in Indiana.

Vandals are understood to have hijacked the crane in the middle of the night, hotwired it and driven into an 8ft-deep ditch. The crane's boom was destroyed and the cab was nearly completely crushed.

Three teenagers were arrested two nights after the incident on 8 April and are understood to be suspects.

Marty Talbert, the Howard County sheriff, told local press at the time that it was 鈥渁 prank, something to do.鈥 He added that the behaviour made no sense to him.