But more than 17% of shareholders vote against Debbie White’s £270k bonus

debbie white

The pay deals for Interserve’s chief executive and her finance chief have been approved – despite more than 17% of shareholders voting against them.

At the firm’s AGM in London yesterday, more than 7 million votes cast were against the pay packets for Debbie White and chief financial officer Mark Whiteling.

White (pictured) joined last September and picked up close to £526,000 for four months’ work, which included a £270,000 bonus.

Whiteling, who joined a month later, received £246,433 for three months’ work, which included a bonus of £126,562.

Advisory firm Glass Lewis had recommended shareholders reject White’s bonus.

White’s basic salary for 2018 has been set at £650,000 while Whiteling will pick up a basic packet of £479,000. The firm’s third director Dougie Sutherland will pick up £315,000 â€“ the same figure as last year.

Former chief executive Adrian Ringrose, under whose leadership the firm made its disastrous foray into the energy-from-waste market which has so far cost the business £216m, picked up £459,000 last year before he stepped down at the end of August.