SIG Insulations is introducing a new insulated foundation system. Called Insulslab SFRC (steel fibre reinforced concrete), the patented system is claimed to deliver benefits over more traditional raft and block and beam foundations

The system uses a series of interlocking expanded polystyrene 鈥溾榩ods鈥 to form a rigid waffle shaped slab. Steel fibre reinforced concrete is then poured over the top to form the finished foundation. This approach, says the company, provides good thermal performance and cost savings of around 25-33% over beam and block and raft fondations because there is minimal excavation, less concrete and no need for a screed.

Insulslab is suitable for all types of construction and building methods for both residential and commercial builds up to four storeys high.

SIG Insulations say the Insulslab SFRC system is particularly beneficial at brownfield locations because of its minimal ground penetration and can be used on good and poor ground conditions, enabling cost efficiencies on difficult sites such as sloping areas, contaminated soils and sites where clay heave is an issue.

SIG Insulations