A majority of responses to a government consultation also support the restriction of ‘desktop studies’
A majority of responses to a government proposal to ban the use of combustible cladding on high-rise buildings have backed the move.
In a response to the housing committee’s report, the Independent Review of ڶ Regulations and Fire Safety: Next Steps, the government revealed while it was still analysing responses to its consulatation the majority of those submitted so far had favoured a ban.
The statement said: “Our consultation on banning the use of combustible materials in the external walls of high-rise buildings closed on 14 August 2018. There were 460 responses from a range of individuals and organisations.
“The government is currently analysing the consultation responses. The majority of respondents agreed with the intention of the consultation and the government will publish its response in the autumn.”
The statement also revealed a majority of respondents to the government's consultation were in favour of restricting the use of desktop studies, but not in favour of banning the practice outright.
The government said: “In response to Dame Judith Hackitt’s recommendation in her interim report we conducted a consultation, which closed on 25 May, on restricting the use of assessments in lieu of tests (desktop studies).
“There were 235 responses from a range of individuals. We are currently analysing the consultation responses and will publish a government report in the autumn. The majority of respondents agreed with Dame Judith’s recommendation to restrict the use of desktop studies to ensure that they are only used where appropriate and by people with suitable competence.
“However, the majority also do not agree that the use of assessments in lieu of fire tests should be prohibited for all construction products.”
The response was presented to parliament by housing secretary James Brokenshire.
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