Outpatients complex designed by Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios

An eight-storey outpatients building at St Mary鈥檚 Hospital in Paddington has been given the green light by planners at Westminster city council.

The scheme has been designed by Stirling Prize winning architect Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios and will see outpatient services at more than 40 different locations brought under one roof.

The new building will replace the existing Salton House, Dumbell and Victoria and Albert buildings on the eastern side of the hospital estate.

Aecom is also working on the scheme which has a completion date of 2020.



The new building is expected to be ready by 2020


The work is the first phase of a wider redevelopment of the St Mary鈥檚 estate which has one of the largest backlog estate maintenance liabilities of all NHS trusts in England.

The wider work involves redeveloping the St Mary鈥檚 hospital which includes relocating services from the Western Eye hospital on Marylebone Road to St Mary鈥檚. A number of commercial and residential blocks are planned for the site to help fund the initiative.