Some of the most iconic buildings are the hungriest

When the day dawned on Wednesday, our public stock was revealed in a new light. Some of the UK's most iconic buildings have been unmasked as energy hungry beasts, closer to - or at - a G rating rather than the expemplary A. While the government effectively pushed back the drop-dead-deadline to January, central government organisations, risked merely terrible PR for revealing how much their buildings consumed instead of catastrophic PR for refusing to stick to their own rules on the appointed day.

Here is a list great public offices, some of which look a bit less great today. (DEC grades are relative to size and function)

  • Palace of Westminster - G (11,983 tonnes of CO2)
  • Portcullis House - G
  • Bank of England - G (9,373 tonnes)
  • Imperial War Museum London - G (3,664 tonnes)
  • Imperial War Museum North G (1,396 tonnes)
  • Natural History Museum E (10,026)
  • HM Treasury E (4,122)
  • City Hall, London E (2,255)
  • Defra head office E (1,322)
  • Number 10 Downing Street D (657)

In the next few days, we will be calling in as many DECs from notable buildings as we can. In the meantime we need your help to check out DECs in your area and dob in your local energy obese library on our