Sustainable construction strategy claims Whitehall is “exploring policies” that go beyond current programmes. Plus UK Green ڶ Council reaction

Today’s sustainable construction policy claims that Government is considering fresh policies to tackle the energy performance of existing buildings.

The document claims that existing policies “mean that carbon reductions from existing buildings are on a trajectory consistent with our 2020 targets”. It adds: “Government is exploring policies which go beyond current mainstream programmes.” The strategy says that government will look at how to “make best use of Energy Performance Certificates to improve the most inefficient homes” including those in the rented sector.


Target set in the strategy include:

The built environment needs to be at the heart of our efforts to slash emissions – not by 60% but by 80% by 2050

Paul King, chief executive, UK Green ڶ Council

  • To reduce average water consumption to 130 litres per person per day by 2030
  • To reduce construction, demolition and excavation waste to landfill by 50% from 2008 to 2012
  • To consider bioversity within and around construction sites at all stages of development


UK Green ڶ Council chief executive Paul King said he was encouraged by the document but added that it was “only the first step” and called for a “ramping up of ambition”.

“The built environment needs to be at the heart of our efforts to slash emissions – not by 60%, the government target which the strategy endorses, but by 80% by 2050. We also need to have a clearer vision about our sustainability goals. The strategy proposes 25% of our materials to be responsibly sourced by 2012 – but how long until we set out a pathway to 100%?