Deal worth 拢2m divided into three lots

Construction firms are being asked to sign up to a new framework which is looking to redeploy those who have lost their jobs during the covid-19 pandemic into sectors with skills shortages such as construction.

The South East Local Enterprise Partnership (SELEP) has set up the covid-19 recovery skills training framework, which will run for two years. Procurement is being managed by Essex county council.

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Source: Shutterstock

The industry is hoping to find new recruits from those who have lost their jobs as a result of the coronavirus pandemic

The first lot of the framework is for a pathway to provide jobs in SELEP growth and recruiting sectors.

The contract notice says: 鈥淭raining [will be] specifically to get recently unemployment [sic] / redundant individuals into key sectors and illustrating a collaborative approach with employers.

鈥淜ey sectors include construction, logistics, health, care, IT, food production, engineering and the coastal and rural economies are to be supported across all. There is the ability to be flexible if new government funding is issued which addresses shortages in these sectors.鈥

Lot two is to maximise jobs arising through the digitalisation of these sectors, while lot three is to provide access to kit, connectivity and training to enhance digital skills.

Helen Clements, who is the chair of the SELEP skills advisory panel and social value manager at Morgan Sindall, said: 鈥淭his funding will be a welcome support towards helping address some of the gaps that have been identified within skills and training, particularly in light of the covid-19 pandemic.

鈥淢ost crucially, we will be working hard to help those who lost their jobs during the pandemic by providing upskilling and retraining for key sectors.鈥

The tender for the framework is now live, with firms given until . Contracts are set to be awarded later that month.

SELEP Covid-19 Recovery Skills Training Framework

Lot 1 - Pathway to jobs in SELEP growth and recruiting sectors. Training specifically to get recently unemployment / redundant individuals into key sectors and illustrating a collaborative approach with employers. Key sectors include construction, logistics, health, care, IT, food production, engineering and the coastal and rural economies are to be supported across all. There is the ability to be flexible if new government funding is issued which addresses shortages in these sectors. Value: 拢945,000

Lot 2 - Maximising jobs arising through the digital revolution. Training specifically to support people into digital roles across all sectors. Value: 拢300,000

Lot 3 - Digital skills for all 鈥 kit, connectivity and access to training. Value: 拢300,000