Over 20 years eLift Cumbria will finance and develop Cumbria's ageing community hospitals and deliver a range of other health facilities

The first Lift company to be procured through the Express Lift framework has been officially established today in Cumbria.

Express Lift Investments Limited (鈥淓LIL鈥), part owned by Cyril Sweett Investments, has formally signed contracts with NHS Cumbria and Cumbria council to establish a new LIFT company, to be named eLift Cumbria. It follows its appointment as NHS Cumbria's Lift partner in October.

The new Lift company has been established to finance and redevelop Cumbria's ageing community hospitals and deliver a range of other health facilities.

eLift Cumbria Ltd will be a 20-year agreement for it to develop new buildings that meet local needs, and for the private sector to provide local services that complement those of the public sector.

New property developed will be owned by the public-private partnership, managed by eLift Cumbria and leased or rented to a range of health and community tenants, from GPs, dentists and pharmacists to voluntary sector organisations and the local authority.

Designs and costs are now being progressed to create a schedule of redevelopment for Cumbria's community hospitals and other health infrastructure in areas where patients most need it.

Ken Gill, managing director of Cyril Sweett Investments, said:, "We are delighted and proud to have created the first Express LIFT company with our public sector partners. Express Lift has lived up to its name and having established the partnership in record time we look forward to working with NHS Cumbria and Cumbria council to provide facilities and services that support the delivery of health and social care in Cumbria."