Energy secretary says that feed in tariffs would allow solar arrays of around two

Energy and climate change secretary Chris Huhne indicated that feed-in tariffs would be stopped for all installations above the size of 鈥檛wo tennis courts鈥 while giving evidence to MPs on Tuesday,

Speaking in advance of the release of a formal review of the renewable electricity tariffs, expected this week, Huhne rejected the idea that a cut off point of 50kw was too low, saying that this allowed solar arrays around the size of two tennis courts.

鈥淭wo tennis courts most people would regard as being a reasonable size,鈥 he told the Commons energy and climate change committee.

Last month Huhne announced an urgent review of all tariffs going to solar projects greater than 50kw after concerns that fields of solar panels were diverting money from the scheme which is intended to help homeowners and small businesses.

However, solar panel firms such a Kier have said that this threatens dozens of projects to put large solar arrays on offices, schools and hospitals, where the capacity would be above 50kw.