Standards will draw together existing policy, guidance and best practice

The Environment Agency is set to launch a set of guidelines to help developers of the Thames Gateway achieve high environmental standards.

The Thames Gateway Environmental Standards, which will be released tomorrow, set out what can be achieved for the environment through strategic regeneration, growth and development, drawing together existing policy, guidance and best practice. The advice is geared towards those planning and delivering regeneration in the Thames Gateway - the UK's largest regeneration area, which includes east London, south Essex and north Kent.

Dave Wardle, the Environment Agency's Thames Estuary programme executive, said: "The standards set out what we think regeneration can deliver for the environment and what the environment can deliver for regeneration. A good quality environment can attract investment and it is also a sound investment for all our futures. With the standards, we have set out what key people need to do to plan for a greener and healthier future - to both overcome the constraints and take advantage of the opportunities. I look forward to witnessing these standards help create a high quality and accessible environment where people will want to live, work, and visit.鈥