Project expects to meet a range of sustainability goals

Crossrail says it is confident of slashing the consumption of energy used in the construction of the 拢15bn rail line by 15%.

In an Crossrail said it was on track to meet the target figure, which had been revised upward from an earlier forecast of 8%.

The firm also said it had diverted nearly all (97%) of the 428,000 tonnes of demolition and construction waste generated by the project away from landfill, while 98% of eight million tonnes of excavated material removed during tunnelling work had been 鈥渂eneficially reused鈥 in an number of agricualutral and environmental projects, including three million tonnes going towards creating an RSPB bird reserve on Wallasea Island in Essex.



The man-made scheme at Wallasea Island opened two years ago and attracts tens of thousands of migratory birds,


While costs on the cross-London rail route, known as the Elizabeth Line, have rocketed, Andrew Wolstenholme, Crossrail鈥檚 chief executive, said the group was expected to meet its sustainability targets, which included reducing emissions from construction machinery to improve air quality.

Meanwhile, nine structures had been completed to date with each achieving a post-construction rating of 鈥榚xcellent鈥 under the Civil Engineering Environmental Quality scheme.

The Crossrail service is due to fully open at the end of 2019.