The project is facing cost or schedule overruns if problems are not addressed, according to infrastructure authority


Source: Crossrail

Crossrail is looking at a cost or schedule overrun if “significant issues” are not addressed, according to the Infrastructure and Projects Authority.

In its , the IPA gave Crossrail an amber delivery confidence assessment - the first time the project has received a rating below a green category in the report’s six year existence.

According to the IPA, an amber rating means “successful delivery appears feasible but significant issues already exist, requiring management attention. These appear resolvable at this stage and, if addressed promptly, should not present a cost/schedule overrun”.

Data from the Department of Transport (DfT), which was used to support the IPA’s report, the government department said: “The project is now over 90% complete and is entering its final stages. Cost and schedule pressures are increasing.

“The department, as well as Transport for London (with the assurance of the Project Representatives) have increased governance to closely monitor progress.”

The DfT said Crossrail reported that the overall completion date would be maintained.

The DfT said:  “There are a series of intervention points set out in the governance documents which are designed to mitigate against the risk of exceeding the funding.

“Schedule pressures are likely to have a knock on impact on costs. Cost pressures regarding both Network Rail work and those delivered by Crossrail Ltd are being carefully monitored by both sponsors (DfT and TfL).”

While neither report, which both use data as at September 2017, specify the issues that needed to be addressed, the line, which is due to open in December, has been hit with a number of problems in the run-up to its completion.

There have been several reports that the government-backed project has been struggling to find electricians and mechanical workers to help with the final push to wrap up the project, which has been under construction since May 2009.

There was also an ongoing dispute between Balfour Beatty’s M&E arm and electricians working on the firm’s Woolwich station Crossrail site. Strikes took place on 10 and 31 January, 8 February and 7 March. Strikes scheduled for 14 and 21 February were called off to allow for additional negotiations. The parties reached an agreement in March.

Crossrail referred inquiries to the IPA which did not respond to requests for comment.