Construction professionals on Twitter and Facebook offer help to victims through web site created by architects

A web site set up by two architects in response to the riots has been overwhelmed by the response from the construction industry.

matches the needs of riot victims with construction professionals willing to help in the aftermath of this weeks trouble.

Lee Wilshire, one of the founders said he was 鈥檋umbled and astounded鈥 by the level of support shown by members of the construction industry.

The scheme works by encouraging riot victims to post their requirements to the site alongside professionals offering skills and expertise.

Wilshire set up the website after he and fellow architecture graduate Nick Varey were inspired by the Twitter campaign 鈥橰iot Cleanup鈥, which co-ordinated members of the public to sweep the streets and clean up the mess left by the riots.

Wilshire identified the need for professionals to be involved as soon as possible to start the actual rebuilding work, and set up the site to 鈥檊et the ball rolling as soon as possible鈥.

He said that despite it being very early days and having only promoted the scheme via Twitter and Facebook, the response had been 鈥檕verwelming鈥.

He said:鈥淲e鈥檝e had a fantastic response from the industry, with people getting in touch wanting to offer their time and resources, sending guys from contractors etc.鈥

He added that the social media sites had helped to spread the word internationally, with people from America and Germany getting in touch to offer their moral support.

As well as Riot Rebuild, online marketplace said it had 鈥檋undreds of tradesmen who have indicated an interest in giving up some of their time for free to help rebuild the destruction caused by the rioters鈥.

It is asking victims of the riots to post jobs on the site marking them 鈥檙iot repairs鈥 so they can match up builders or tradesmen in the area who have volunteered.

Wilshire said that Riot Rebuild planned to link up with, using the contacts of the Riot Rebuild founders with the exposure of the MyBuilder website to reach even more people.

In terms of skills needed by the scheme, initially the focus is on contractors needed for boarding up and repairing damaged buildings, but longer term Wilshire says they will need the help of interior designers and planning consultants as people try and rebuild their businesses.

Information on how to offer your services to Riot Rebuild can be found