International Energy Agency calls for more use of alternative fuels and development of carbon capture technologies

The cement industry needs to do more to cut carbon emissions according to a report form the International Energy Agency.

In its first industry specific roadmap, the IEA and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development call for greater use of alternative fuels, improved energy efficiency and clinker substitution.

In addition, it recommends urgent action to develop and demonstrate carbon capture and storage technologies.

Cement production accounts for 5% of global man-made CO2 emissions.

The report states that given the right policy frameworks at global, national and local level, the cement sector could reduce its emissions 18% by 2050 compared with 2005 levels. However, carbon capture and storage will be needed to reach this target.

Tom Kerr, senior analysts at the IEA, said: 鈥淔ocussing on cement, this industry specific roadmap highlights a potential path towards significant reductions in CO2 别尘颈蝉蝉颈辞苍蝉鈥.