Memorial to victims of July 2005 attacks designed with help of Arup and artist Antony Gormley

Carmody Groarke's designs for a memorial to the victims of the July 2005 terrorist attacks in London have been unveiled.

The memorial is made up of 52 pillars of 3m in height, each representing one of the victims of the bombings. They will be installed in four clusters in the south-east corner of Hyde Park to indicate the four atrocities at Aldgate, King's Cross, Edgware Road and Tavistock Square.

The design was produced by a team led by Carmody Groarke which included Arup as lead consultant, Colvin and Moggridge as landscape architect and UK artist Antony Gormley as independent artistic adviser.

Kevin Carmody, director of Carmody Groarke, said: 鈥淏y working in close and constant consultation with [the bereaved families] and the wider design team, we have designed something that fulfils their brief to us: to create a memorial that allows for a collective experience as well as being a place of relative quiet for contemplation for the families and the wider public.鈥

Pending planning permission, the memorial will be installed over the winter, with an official opening on 7 July 2009.