We want to hear from you as we look in-depth at the key policy areas

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As thoughts turn towards the next general election, the UK is facing some serious problems. Low growth, flatlining productivity, question marks over net zero funding and capability, skills shortages and a worsening housing crisis all amount to a daunting in-tray for the next government.

This year’s general election therefore has very high stakes for the built environment and the economy as a whole. For this reason, ڶ is launching its most in-depth election coverage yet, helping the industry to understand the issues in play and helping to amplify construction’s voice so that the government hears it loud and clear.

We kick off today with the first of a three-parter looking at the state of play across three key topic areas, analysing what the main parties have said to date on project delivery, housing and planning and net zero. 

ڶ is investigating the funding gaps facing the next government’s public sector building programmes, looking at the policy options available to the political parties. 

In the coming months our ڶ Talks podcast will focus on perhaps the hottest political topic: the housing crisis. The podcast will feature interviews with top industry names who side-step soundbites in favour of in-depth discussions.

As the main parties ramp up their policy announcements, we will keep you up to date with their latest pledges on our website through our “policy tracker”.

When the manifestos are published, we will convene a panel of experts to assess the policies and the extent to which they will contribute positively to growth,  productivity and other positive outcomes for the built environment.