New accommodation due to open in 2020

Balliol scheme

Oxford university’s Balliol College has appointed Bam to build a Â£39.6m student accommodation project.

The job is part of the first phase of Balliol’s Master’s Field masterplan, which has been designed by architect Niall McLaughlin.

Around 220 study bedrooms for students will be built as part of the project.

There are currently around 80 bedrooms available at Balliol meaning there will be close to 140 additional student rooms when the masterplan is finished.

This means the college, whose alumni include foreign secretary Boris Johnson and Metropolitan Police chief Cressida Dick, will be able to provide accommodation to all its undergraduates for the duration of their time at Oxford.

Nine buildings will provide the new student accommodation, which is expected to open in summer 2020.

The development is going up next to Balliol’s sports ground.