Peak number was over 700,000 in April

The number of people in construction still furloughed has fallen to less than 150,000, latest figures show.

In the period to 31 October, 130,700 people were still on furlough – down from the 204,400 using the initiative at the end of August.


Source: Shutterstock

Furlough in construction peaked in the middle of April

Figures released by HMRC that in construction the peak of furlough was on 14 April – three weeks after the first lockdown was announced – when 723,600 were using it.

Overall, the number of people furloughed at the end of October was 2.4 million a reduction of 73% from the peak.

Furlough peaked at 8.9 million on 8 May, falling to 5.4 million at the end of July, 3.8 million at 31 August and 2.8 million by the end of September.

The sector with the highest proportion of furloughed staff was the accommodation and food services sector at 27% followed by arts, entertainment and recreation at 24%.

In all, 45% of employers in both the accommodation and food services sector and the arts, entertainment and recreation sector were using the furlough scheme at the end of October.

Lask week chancellor Rishi Sunak confirmed the furlough scheme will be extended by a month to the end of April next year.

Sunak said the government would continue to pay 80% of the wages of furloughed workers until the end of that month.

He also said government would extend its covid-19 business loan schemes until the end of March.