Incoming ODA chairman claims budget under control and defends the logo

The new chairman of the Olympics Delivery Authority John Armitt has admitted there will be “hiccups” and “tension” during the construction of the Olympic facilities.

In an interview with the Guardian today the former boss at Network Rail and Costain said: “The actual designing and putting up buildings is something which you know, yes, there will be some hiccups along the way and there will be the usual tension but it will be done.”

Armitt added that there was “no reason” to believe the budget for the Olympics would rise again. “I think inevitably on something like this, avoiding 'mission creep' is the challenge because everybody will want to add a bit more, add a bit more, add a bit more.”

Armitt said the new logo for 2012 was “much more interesting and funky” than the previous four Olympic logos.
