Permission sought for plant at Hinkley Point in Somerset by EDF Energy

EDF Energy has applied to build a nuclear power station worth about £4bn at Hinkley Point in Somerset today.

The Infrastructure Planning Commission (IPC) will decide whether to accept the application within the next month.

The project, which was announced in June, has been beset with problems. Just last month a neighbouring land-owner, Innovia Cellophane, into the decision by the IPC to allow EDF to build temporary accommodation for its workers on Innovia Cellophane’s land, which would have to be aquired by EDF through a compulsory purchase.

The original completion date of 2017 is also in doubt following a r, published earlier this month. Though the review was supportive of the UK’s nuclear power programme safety concerns remain high from green lobbyists in the wake of the disaster at Fukushima in Japan in March.

In July EDF chief executive Vincent de Rivaz said EDF would for Hinkley Point after the review.

Preparatory works at the site, costing £100m, to be carried out by have already been granted permission.