Mark Roe

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    Bad news from the World Bank


    The second edition of the FIDIC standard form shows signs of having been bent in favour of the World Bank – to the detriment of its international contracting community

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    Ignore the moaners


    Mediation is here to stay, despite the occasional hiccup and the odd shot from ºÚ¶´ÉçÇø columnists – but it is important to choose mediators who know what they're doing

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    One step beyond …


    A new resolution process has gone where adjudication feared to tread – into the imbroglios of international disputes

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    Court is your last resort


    The relaunch of the Court of Appeal mediation scheme is a clear sign that the UK's senior judiciary wants litigation to be used only when there is no other way

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    Ways of making you talk


    It was always thought that a clause in a contract that says parties will mediate before they litigate wasn't that enforceable. After the following case, we know different

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    Mediation mapped


    The legal context in which mediation takes place is becoming more complex and more coercive. Here's a guide to where we are now, and an idea of where we're going

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    An offer you can't refuse


    Is mediation now mandatory? Well, parties that refuse an offer to mediate without good reason may find they lose out on costs even when they they win the case