All Letters articles – Page 64

  • Sometimes it’s hard to make a stand...

    And as for the waiters...


    The dining situation in the new grandstand was not as good – the original was more private and special – and the waiters are not attentive.

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    And then she said...


    ڶ control surveyor Sarah Pearce captured this fascinating conversation on a domestic site in Leicestershire. It’s not the spot we’d choose for an intimate chat, unless they really are the confessions of a window cleaner...Email your “favourite” health and safety pictures to The sender of every published picture ...

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    Wheres your Olympic spirit?


    In the wake of the Wembley fiasco, fears have been raised that the London 2012 Olympics may run over time and budget.

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    Learning our lessons


    I am writing to support Ian Macpherson’s letter (27 October, page 34).

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    How to get recruitment right


    It was interesting to see the comparison between gangmasters in the agricultural sector and those in construction (3 November, page 76).

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    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher? This scheme has such a diversity of community uses, it even contains a theatre. But what is it?Email your answer to First correct answer wins. The editor’s decision is final. No cash alternatives will be offered. No ...

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    The killing bill


    Again we have a member of the legal profession offering biased views on a political debate to make his life easier.

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    Knock it down and start again


    In regard to your recent article on Ascot (17 November, pages 28-30), the original royal enclosure lawn was 2m above the racetrack.

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    More than zero


    Anything we do to remain alive on this planet comes with a carbon burden. The use of renewable energy comes with a carbon burden – photovoltaic cells and wind generators for domestic energy production consume energy in being manufactured, resulting in carbon dioxide emissions – renewable energy is NOT “zero” ...

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    A race-goer riled


    I visited Royal Ascot in June and July (17 November). I like the building and think it was remarkable that it was completed in time for the meeting. However, there are some issues that need rectifying.

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    The eternal quest for perfect reception


    Simon Perry writes: “While on holiday in Belgium, the home of the European parliament, which hands down the vast quantities of health and safety regulations, I happened to notice this unique approach. I presume they were seeing how many regulations they could break!”

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    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

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    Dear landlord


    Charles McDonald, the real estate manager at the Carbon Trust, is right to target landlords in the battle to improve the energy efficiency of existing buildings (3 November). Landlord developers are escaping accountability. As a design-and-build contractor, we employ good architectural practices, good building services consultants, and front-line M&E subcontractors ...

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    A little less conversation


    I think the proposal from WWF, the green lobby group, to make zero-carbon development a condition of public funding is spot on (10 November, page 15). The government keeps stating that Britain is at the forefront of reducing global warming, but in reality we are still only talking about it. ...

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    Part C (for cats)


    Further to your recent campaign concerning the ڶ Regulations I recently came across this on one of our sites.

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    Bricks and blunders


    I regularly drive past Grosvenor Waterside, the “best private housing development” in this year’s brick awards. Are you joking? Smart contemporary lines? It looks identical to the “best commercial building” shown next to it.

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    Quality over quantity


    Your editorial on ڶ Schools for the Future (3 November, page 3) got the wrong end of the stick. The real challenge for Tim Byles is not to deliver 3,500 schools or to spend £45bn; it is to find a way to marry quantity with quality.

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    A lesson plan


    What a sad story of waste and stupidity (3 November). In a week when our children are reported to be the worst in Europe, our government creates so much red tape that it costs a contractor £2m to be unsuccessful in bidding for ڶ Schools for the Future.

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    Don’t try this at home, kids


    We’re doing wrong by our children all over the letters page this week. Andy Hopkins, a planning supervisor at BCHT Group, sent us this snap of devil-may-care window fitters in a Bradford school zone. Should do wonders for construction recruitment …

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    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?