All Letters articles – Page 63

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    Human life is cheap in Dorking


    Thanks to Philip Sears of Philip Sears Designs for this shot of genteel, leafy Surrey at its most deadly ...

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    A kink in the chain


    I refer to the column “An offer you can’t accept” by Rudi Klein (1 December, page 45).

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    Expert answer


    As an adjudicator, I disagree with four points made by Nick Henchie (5 January, page 56):

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    How to miss the 2012 deadline


    While I share the opinion of Frances Alderson (17 November, page 60) that London 2012 will obviously gain from the advanced planning of construction projects, I take issue with the idea that the NEC3 contract is appropriate, because of the excessively bureaucratic procedure for compensation.

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    Setting the record straight


    Your story “Marks Barfield starts work on Olympic spike” (8 DecembeR), was inaccurate and misleading.

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    Two questions


    Two issues for further discussion arise from the Colindale fire. The first is the extent to which steel-framed buildings are different from timber. I am watching a steel-framed retirement home go up locally and there is a lot of timber in the secondary structure.

  • Helsinki: Baltic beauty or tourist tat?

    Homage to Helsinki


    As a regular visitor to Finland for more than 40 years, I was taken aback by Amanda Levete’s ill-informed comments on Finnish culture and design (24 November).

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    Don’t fiddle


    Your article regarding the implications of the Colindale fire (1 December) rightly stresses this is no time for fiddling.

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    Devilish details


    The zero carbon initiative proposed by Gordon Brown (8 December, page 10) looks impressive, with “every new home to be zero carbon by 2010”. His statement is backed up by the fiscal incentive of zero carbon homes being exempt from stamp duty. This is a bold statement, however like many ...

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    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

  • Thanks to Bob Wright from Bignell & Associates for this one.

    Danger is my bread, death my butter


    Thanks to Bob Wright from Bignell & Associates for this one.

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    To answer the first question …


    Stephen Robinson of the London Fire Brigade says a fire in a concrete or steel building isn’t an issue.

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    Stand on your van


    Neil Smith spotted this unique ladder extension system in Bolton. Let’s hope nobody’s planning a quick getaway.

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    One step at a time


    In response to your article “Hadid’s aquatics centre fails environment test” (1 December) the updated concept proposals we presented at last week’s media launch are an early step in the process of developing a design for the aquatics centre. However, the environmental and sustainability audit you refer to relates to ...

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    A categorical denial


    It seems that the silly season has returned to ڶ. You concocted a story alleging that McBains Cooper is looking to buy MDA (8 December) and this is totally untrue.

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    The third way


    Jeff Brown claims third-party rights don’t work (27 October, page 54), but his objections come down to not liking the particular third-party rights in the JCT contract.

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    Who’s the real winner here?


    I deliver training courses to clients, main contractors and specialists, so I hear a range of views on power relations in the industry (“Who calls the shots”, 24 November).

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    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

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    Define your terms


    The figures you quote (“CH2M boss says Olympics will top £12bn”, 1 December, page 10) have nothing to do with the current debate over the costs of the Games. The higher numbers relate to work outside the Olympic Delivery Authority’s scope.

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    Jeremy Gardner Associates


    We were delighted to win an LABC award for Chapelfield shopping centre. But we and CNC ڶ Control were disappointed by the description of the project in ڶ (20 October, LABC awards) for two reasons: