All Letters articles – Page 62

  • Safer skyline campaign: crossing cranes

    Crossing cranes


    I’m concerned about tower cranes that are sited too close to each other.

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    Forget the buildings


    Amanda Levete’s views on the need for “internationally renowned” architects to design the buildings for the Olympic Games are a powerful demonstration of how the job you do can warp your perceptions (“Doing what it takes”, 9 February, page 34).

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    Will this do?


    I was pleased to read your article about office fit-outs (“Call that sustainable?” 26 January, page 50).

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    How Lift has worked wonders


    Your article on the Lift primary healthcare programme raised some interesting points about how effective the scheme has been since its inception and certainly merits further analysis (26 January, page 38).

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    The threat from above


    Early in 2006 we had a crane collapse on one of our London projects.

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    NEC is ideal for the big event


    I was surprised to read Steve Rudd’s letter (12 January) complaining about the use of the NEC suite of contracts for Olympic works.

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    Artistic licence


    Now that the design and access statement process has bedded down in the planning control system, we should move on with further developments.

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    RICS campaign forges ahead


    Roger Thrush’s letter (19 January) is incorrect in its assertion that the RICS is having little impact with its visa campaign. In fact, it is currently working with the government to ease the shortage of quantity surveyors in the UK.

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    Not a question of materials


    A fire strategy can only work effectively if passive fire protection measures (structural steelwork protection, fire-resistant paints, fire-resistant glazing, and so on) are built into the structure.

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    Fit for the Olympics


    I must take issue with Steve Rudd’s letter (12 January) regarding compensation events under the NEC3 contract. His comments only serve to perpetuate a fallacy that I have heard many times before.

  • What was left after last summer’s Colindale fire. The inquest is continuing

    More fuel to the fire


    I was quoted in a news article last week (12 January) on the serious fire at the timber-frame construction site in Colindale, north London. I think several statements in the story require clarification.

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    Age concern


    I read with great interest both the letter written by a reader (6 October, page 38) and your blog on section 106 restraints in the retirement sector.

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    Stick to what you know


    Tony Bingham’s hope that 2007 will be the year when architects do drawings, engineers do engineering and so on (5 January, page 54) is music to the ears of indemnity brokers and insurers.

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    One man’s junk ...


    Last week I spotted one of your “little gems of genius” (5 January, page 12) about the online marketplace

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    Let’s make this interesting ...


    Sure, anyone can fall off a scaffolding and break a couple of bones, but how many fall off and drown in a river?

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    Start at home


    The lack of impact of the RICS’ campaign against the government’s restrictions on QSs coming to work in Britain shouldn’t really come as a surprise (“RICS frustrated by failure of visa campaign”, 5 January, page 14).

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    No move to east London


    A postscript to the article “Foster consortium set to bid for Olympic media centre” (5 January, page 11) implies that the proposal to move some key departments and channels to Salford may not happen.

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    Off with their hats


    In the nineties I was marketing director of Watson Steel, then owned by Amec (“Amec quits construction after £90m writedown”, 15 December, page 9).

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    Greased palms


    Recent research from the Chartered Institute of ڶ (10 November, page 58) has significant implications for construction professionals.

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    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?