All Interviews articles – Page 36

  • Features

    The contenders


    Meet Gus Robinson, Jane Briginshaw and Bernard Bateman, three construction professionals who have put their careers on hold to stand for election. Can they beat the heavyweight opposition?

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    Wise, after the event


    Chris Wise was Arup's star engineer when he came up with the design of the Millennium Bridge. He didn't foresee the wobble at the time, but if he had, he would have gone ahead anyway.

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    Disciple of change


    Anthony Dunnett, boss of development agency SEEDA, has warned that the region faces economic disaster unless housebuilders repent.

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    Idea hunter


    David Adjaye is architecture's latest rising star. His controversial Elektra House scandalised fellow architects but it hasn't deterred the celebrity clients. So what is he doing right?

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    University challenge


    Cambridge estates head David Adamson is determined to make the industry work together. So any firm that wants a slice of the university's record £528m build programme had better start listening …

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    Home improver


    Birmingham council's David Thompson is passionate about giving people better places to live. Which is why he's handing over 92,000 homes to the private sector.

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    Star of track and field


    Rugby-loving Paul Westbury is Buro Happold's youngest ever partner. Here's how the 31-year-old is tackling one of engineering's toughest conundrums: how to make stadiums flexible and attractive.

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    The nonconformist


    Fighting talk is on the agenda as John Weir of Wilcon Homes prepares to take up one of the hottest seats in housebuilding: president of the House Builders Federation. Martin Spring finds out how he plans to change the system from within…

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    Mike Welton


    Balfour Beatty has been lambasted for Hatfield, undervalued by the City and dubbed the "the worst scum of capitalism". Here's how its chief executive is answering the critics.

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    Paul Hyett


    He's no superstar, but the RIBA's practical, birdwatching new president intends to make his name through education and the recruitment of ethnic minorities.

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    Alan Howarth


    The arts minister's passion for better design has won high marks, but does his culture department have enough clout to make it happen?

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    Tim Walker


    Prescott's site safety summit is only four days away, so it's no wonder the new boss of the Health and Safety Executive has his attention firmly fixed on construction.

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    Sheriff of the skyline


    When Carl Powell arrived as Westminster's planning director, developers expected a high-rise bonanza. But the Texan has spent the last two years cutting them down to size.

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    John White


    On the rugby pitch and in the City, Persimmon's chief executive has a tough reputation. And as he tackles Beazer to create the UK's largest housebuilder, he'll need it.

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    Ian Andrews


    As the first major prime package is announced, and opposition to it continues, Defence Estates' chief executive explains how he intends to stage the revolution in MOD procurement.

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    The Cole treatment


    John Cole has achieved what many thought impossible: well designed PFI hospitals. Now the procurement methods he pioneered in Northern Ireland look set to catch on over here.

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    The lifeguard


    With next month's government safety summit looming, all eyes are trained on the construction industry. So how does Suzannah Thursfield, director of health and safety at the Construction Confederation, intend to respond?

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    Wessex man


    Rab Bennetts' headquarters for Wessex Water set a new mark for low-energy buildings, but how can this standard become standard practice? Well, actually, it's perfectly simple …

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    King of the castle


    The energetic lawyer leading the £2bn regeneration of the unloved Elephant explains how it will be transformed.

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    The survivor


    Baroness Dean spent the first half of this year fighting for the Housing Corporation's survival. Now she has to prove that she can make it work.