All Hometrack articles

  • Brian Green

    Housing market hits a boggy patch


    Measures recorded by the RICS and Hometrack surveys point to tough conditions for those looking to sell homes

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    A double-dip in house prices isn’t really the problem


    The fall in transactions is going to hit the housebuilding industry much harder

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    Are UK houses really worth 6% more than a year ago?


    The final Halifax index for 2009 has been released and it settles on a December 2009 average house price 5.6% above that of December 2008.This is roughly in line with the figures from Nationwide which show a 5.9% rise.It is easy from this to draw the conclusion that on average ...

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    Pundits on balance point to flat house prices in 2010


    It's the time of the year for reflections, resolutions and prognostications. And what can be more fun than guessing the likely path of house prices?Well I can think of a few things. And I'm also left wondering why anyone would wish to state a house price forecast publicly and put ...

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    Has the housing mini-boom run out of puff?


    All the gauges appear to be reading "set fair" in the housing market, so why the long faces among those in the know?The latest RICS housing market survey on the face of it provides every reason to suspect that better times lie ahead. This follows a raft of housing indexes ...

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    The trouble with house prices


    I read with interest recently the CEBR's predictions for the total fall in house prices and when it expects the turnaround to come and that got me thinking on the topic of house prices in general.The basic problem with house prices is, whose do you use? The ones the press ...