Heating giant responds to rising demand for electric heating

In order to meet increased demands in the electric heating market, Heatrae Sadia has launched a dedicated electrical division, offering sales, technical support and service. Headed up by Robin Wood, the division covers electric central heating boilers, panel heaters, water heaters and solar thermal products, as well as the Supreme boiling water unit.

The number of electric heating installations taking place in the UK is on the increase, says the company, with evidence suggesting that both residential landlords and developers of high rise buildings are choosing electric heating products over their gas counterparts. Some industry experts are even predicting that in 10 years鈥 time electricity could be the dominant heating fuel.

Robin Wood said: 鈥淓lectric heating has a very positive future ahead, and the electric sector is working hard to ensure that modern, well-developed heating products are available. But we understand that when using electric heating and hot water solutions, installers and specifiers might need some assistance, especially in meeting SAP ratings and the demands of the Code for Sustainable Homes.

鈥淪o, as well as having a dedicated sales team to sell our products to wholesalers, installers and end users, we also have a team of people who can offer technical help, design assistance, installation/specification support and service.鈥