All Hansom articles – Page 33

  • Hansom

    A place in the sun


    This week we stroll along the balmy streets of Barcelona while Jack Pringle meets his adoring public in Paris – both of which sound preferable to watching a 1-1 draw in Carlisle …

  • Hansom

    Hansom Sign ‘o’ the times


    The silly season is heralded by Serbian ‘folk-pop-dance’ acts, mix-tape morris dancers and those pocket-sized icons of the 21st century, Prince and Hazel Blears

  • Hansom

    Wacky races


    This week’s leaders are Richard Rogers, a cyclist who’s rumoured to be taking performance-enhancing taxis, Jack Pringle – quite pacy on a wooden leg – and HOK, driving round town in a summer pavilion …

  • Hansom

    Sound advice


    Edinburgh academics explain why you should listen to your building materials before using them, plus Ed Balls’ guide to parenting and the JFK approach to dealing with specialist contractors

  • Missing you


    This week we’ve gathered together everyone that wasn’t there, from very small politicians to very big businessmen, and launched an investigation into Albanian movies and Ray O’Rourke’s stationery

  • Hansom

    Turning the tables


    Things naturally fall apart, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun sticking them back together, as we demonstrate in many different ways this week, from dips in the briney to wooden hats

  • Hansom

    Regime change


    More stories from the dark side as politicians struggle for each others jobs, rogue builders cash in on the floods and I violate the smoking ban

  • Hansom

    Having a flutter


    You couldn’t move for the likes of Rogers and Stefanou at Ascot last week … but if the gee-gees aren’t your bag an intrepid threesome are preparing to tee-off for a 24-hour Scottish golfing challenge

  • Hansom

    The sober truth


    Dopers are no longer welcome at this column, which has adopted a demeanor almost presbyterian in its unsmiling seriousness. Which makes its neon-pink roller-skating tomato that much odder …

  • Hansom

    Groovy times


    We score some primo grass this week and, between bursts of coughing, drink enough booze to hospitalise ourselves before strapping on an axe and delivering a child. Alright. Yeah. Baby.

  • Hansom

    King Richard


    Introducing the all-conquering Lord Rogers of Riverside: Pritzker prize-winning architect, confidante to the rich and powerful and, of course, would-be sexologist

  • Hansom

    Happy as a herring


    More zany fun with Britain’s most surreal industry, which this week tries to sell a chief executive while carting around a 12m mechanical plant and coaxing John Prescott out of that broom cupboard

  • Hansom



    For too long Hansom has been silent on prostate cancer and self mutilation in the Hounslow area. So, here’s an edition devoted to the subjects (with some extra items thrown in for light relief)

  • Hansom

    Action heroes


    As Wembley succumbs to marauding zombies, we check on the whereabouts of the Taekwondo Kid and Ray Winstone, and ponder whether Gordon Brown will be architects’ knight in shining armour

  • Hansom

    Rock on


    More tales from the dark heart of construction, including information on Andrew McAlpine’s musical taste, some advice from Bill Bryson … and you’ll never guess who Rob Smith had breakfast with

  • Hansom

    The youth of today


    While the industry’s old hands said adieu to Paul Morrell and discussed sustainable construction, the youngsters were engaged in a drunken debauch at the Marriott. Who said QSs don’t know how to party?

  • Hansom



    While the upper echelons were attending high-profile weddings and the awards, those in the lower pay grades were free to fit solar panels facing the wrong way and misinterpret design instructions ...

  • Hansom

    A curse upon ye


    Scottish builders jinx Wembley by burying tartan scarves under the pitch, while Vernon Kay is forced to field hate mail from sensitive scaffolders. At least the Housing Corporation enjoyed a bit of luck ...

  • Hansom

    The waste land


    The Home Office invests in some lovely offices in the middle of nowhere that will be closed most of the time, a ‘sorry’ state of affairs at the ODA, and cloning seems to apply to Shepherds as well as sheep

  • Hansom

    Hansom Ripping yarns


    A spell-binding 348-page account of PFI standardisation, the equally long-running saga of David Cameron’s home improvements and a rather jolly chinwag with the Tory MEP for Gibraltar