This week’s sketch is by Sustrans’ DIY Streets project coordinator Jenny Barlow

sustrans project DIY street

This sketch was created by Sustrans’ DIY Streets project coordinator Jenny Barlow while developing proposals for Kings Heath High Street in South Birmingham. The Big Lottery-funded project aims to create a safer and more liveable environment in partnership with local people. Kings Heath High Street is currently a busy A-road that is also a vibrant local centre and shopping hub with pedestrian footfall in the thousands.

The scheme aims to rethink the current street function to create a place where people come before traffic. Sustrans has been delivering interactive ‘pop -up’ workshops and ‘street trials’ to co-design a long term vision for the area with the local community; sketches like this one were used as a way to engage with people and help them to visualise suggested changes.

Sustrans are working with local partners and Birmingham City Council to take the developing design forward to the detailed stages.

To find out more about the project and the proposals go to: