Nottingham Trent students comment on the Puerta+Asensio Architects designed building in Spain

Reuben Davies, architectural technology student

鈥淲ith an expected gold certification from LEED, the new Coca-cola HQ in Madrid is making a statement of sustainability. Personally, while the form and aesthetics of the building doesn鈥檛 make a lasting impression, with a broken cube like appearance and a office block character, the careful design and energy considerations from the design stages through to construction are more than worthy of comment.

With 20% construction material coming from recycled sources, locally sourced materials, grey water & rainwater harvesting, solar thermal panels, PV panels and FSC timber all incorporated, the development is a sterling example of what conscious designing can achieve within sustainable architecture.

Hillam: Although my initial impression was that the building was nothing inspirational I now find myself wanting to know more

Unfortunately the least sustainable aspect of the development can be seen in a domineering front and centre location in an all too familiar red lettered logo!鈥

Jessica Hillam, architecture student

鈥淭he eco-friendly design of the Spanish headquarters promotes a good image for such a globally huge and resource dependant company such as Coca-Cola. It can unquestionably be said that the design plays with structural angles and although at a distance the building appears quite stark, once close, ones eye is drawn to array of remarkable geometric fractions.

The central core is married by many green tinted glass panels which are angled to maximise the use of natural light, supporting one of its underlying themes, eco building. With the vast this quantity of glass at many angles, illusive reflections are created, generating a very eye catching fa莽ade.

As striking and as modern as the green tinted glass fa莽ade is, I cannot remove myself from the idea that is representative of the original green glass bottle from Coca-Cola. Although my initial impression was that the building was nothing inspirational I now find myself wanting to know more.鈥

Read review of the Coca-Cola building.