As the UK emerges from its third lockdown, construction and the long-ranging shadow of Brexit has bounced back strongly, with a boom in repair and maintenance work which helped finally push construction activity past pre-covid levels. But amid all the good news, the ongoing materials shortages loom large as an issue threatening the sector’s recovery. There are concerns that they could put the brakes on construction’s continued recovery, so what steps can we take as an industry to best combat these shortages, and what should we all be aware of?

Join our panel of industry experts to discuss the factors contributing to the big issue facing construction as well as what can be done to help the sector avoid any further halts.

Topics that were discussed include:

  • How has Brexit contributed to materials shortages?
  • How will the UK’s post-Brexit certification rules affect material supply, and what do you need to know?
  • What impact are materials shortages and price inflation set to have on projects?
  • Importantly, what steps do businesses need to take to reduce the impact of supply issues?

Speakers include:

  • Peter Caplehorn, chief executive of the Construction Products Association and co-chair of the Constrcution Leadership Council’s materials group
  • Dean Averies, director, Beard Construction
  • Rachel Hoolahan, architect, Orms

This webinar ran from 9.30am to 10.30am on 10 June